5 February 2021

Long-awaited event!

Long-awaited event!

The long-awaited event happened today!
A memorial to the ATO soldiers was approved, which will be located on the territory of the Regional State Administration, and will simultaneously lead to the improvement of the entire park.  For a long time, the territory of the park from the Kanatnaya street was in decline.
And finally, we NG-ARCHITECTS.COM and Michail Reva developed and approved a deep, touching, sacred project of the memorial.  It is designed to honor the memory of the fallen soldiers.  Its mystical structure will transfer the warmth of our souls to the souls of the dead through living trees.
Thank you very much Michail Reva for your wonderful idea and inspiration! 

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The concept of improvement of the regional state administration park and the memorial
in honor of the soldiers who laid down their lives for the independence of Ukraine. 
Symbols such as the flag and anthem of Ukraine are officially recognized and protected by the Constitution, but there is also the traditional symbolism of the people, not approved by documents, but which is the same national attribute.

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Since ancient times, the tree has been a sacred symbol.
The Tree of Life, the World Tree embodies unity with the souls of the ancestors, uniting the three worlds.
The branches and crown manifest the upper divine world, the trunk is the manifest world of manifested things and the roots are associated with the lower world of the unmanifest, hidden. 

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The veneration of trees dates back to ancient times, when our ancestors worshiped trees as Gods.  The Sacred Groves - living temples - became a symbol of the continuation of life, faith, truth, peace and goodness.  They were designed as gardens of high symmetry.
It is to these groves that divine creatures fly to meet people, and the souls of relatives live in the trees - those who have died and those who have not yet been born ...

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The phenomenon of human reincarnation was closely connected with the Sacred Grove.  The concept of Grove is associated with the concept of rotation, which meant the rotation of the wheel of reincarnations in the Vedas, the wheel of Samsara,   incarnation of a departed ancestor in descendants.
Our ancestors, the ancient Slavs, considered mountain ash and viburnum along with an apple tree, an oak, a birch, a willow, a sacred tree. 

Rowan is a special tree in the culture of the Slavic peoples.  It was revered as the tree of the God of War and Justice of Perun.  This tree was credited with magical power, and in many lands the sacred mountain ash groves rustled in the inviolable places of the sanctuaries.
The ancestors believed that the souls of the soldiers who died on the battlefield ascend to the higher worlds of the bows of Svarozh, joining the divine army, the Perunov regiment. 

In general, sacred trees are considered the link between our manifest world and the divine world.


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