20 October 2019

Invitation from Nata Golovchenko to the Festival of Architecture and Construction

Invitation from Nata Golovchenko to the Festival of Architecture and Construction


I want to share the news, friends! From October 29 to October 31, one of the most important events in the field of construction will take place in Kiev - the Festival of Architecture and Construction, part of which I will become.

On the stage of the International Exhibition Center will be held master classes of world famous figures in the field of architecture and urban studies, as well as masters of the Ukrainian school. I act as a moderator of the festival or, more simply, as a host.
I invite my friends and colleagues to attend this event, which will raise issues of housing development trends, solving transport and other problems that arise with the development of modern cities,
Round table: General plan of Kiev. Prospects and Challenge.

The program of the International Urban Laboratory is here https://buildfestival.kiev.ua/project/urban-lab/


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- bit.ly/2LBmeIi
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